Linked to respect for nature and the environment

Sustainability is one of Maius’ most significant values. The winery is built taking into account the landscape impact in the area: the four workspaces are semi-buried, so that they are integrated into the environment and do not break the harmony of the territory. The winery feeds on solar energy thanks to the photovoltaic panels located on the roof of the warehouses and the rainwater, which is collected in a pond located in the middle of the vineyards.

Since 2015, we do not use pesticides or herbicides in the vineyard and the whole crop is organic and certified as such.

Linked to respect for nature and the environment

Sustainability is one of Maius’ most significant values. The winery is built taking into account the landscape impact in the area: the four workspaces are semi-buried, so that they are integrated into the environment and do not break the harmony of the territory. The winery feeds on solar energy thanks to the photovoltaic panels located on the roof of the warehouses and the rainwater, which is collected in a pond located in the middle of the vineyards.

Since 2015, we do not use pesticides or herbicides in the vineyard and the whole crop is organic and certified as such.

Contact us

43361, La Morera de Montsant, Tarragona.





Legal notice | Privacy policy | Copywright 2025 Maius Viticultors

Contact us

43361, La Morera de Montsant, Tarragona.





Legal notice | Privacy policy | Copywright 2025 Maius Viticultors